grat·i·tude | \ˈgra-tə-ˌtüd, -ˌtyüd\
Definition of gratitude: the state of being grateful: THANKFULNESS
grate·ful | \ˈgrāt-fəl \
Definition of grateful
1a: appreciative of benefits received
b: expressing gratitude
2a: affording pleasure or contentment: PLEASING
b: pleasing by reason of comfort supplied or discomfort alleviated
*Definitions taken from Merriam-Webster (https://www.merriam-
These days with all that is going on not only in the world around us but also
with the holiday season upon us I wanted to challenge each of you to take a moment, or more so a number of moments during the day to acknowledge all that you are grateful for. I can almost guarantee that it will make you smile, stop and appreciate all you have even when feeling overwhelmed. Personally, it also has opened my eyes to helping out those less fortunate than myself as well as connecting more with those around me.
Maybe for you this means each morning and/or night you take a quiet
moment; maybe it means as a family you discuss at the dinner table what you
are grateful for; maybe you make it a point to thank or praise someone who
you interact with during your day; maybe it means appreciating your health and
fitness journey (moving and breathing is a beautiful thing my friends, no
matter the level of intensity); maybe it means “stopping and smelling the "roses” to feel content and not yearning for more; or maybe it means you gift
yourself a journal of your choosing to write 1 to an unlimited amount of
reasons for 365 days in a journal (I actually did this for two years straight,
quite a powerful exercise of really diving in to do some work appreciating the
smaller “things” and being present in daily life! If nothing else check out the
Facebook video from Forest Hills South Park church in Charlotte that has
recently gone viral reminding all this holiday season “to be grateful for gifts
you already have.” Lastly, if you happen to be in jb and me, pick up the “100 days
of Grace and; Gratitude – A devotional Journal” by Shanna Noel, to complete this
holiday season.
Appreciate, celebrate and give with gratitude – not only this holiday season
but EVERY DAY, as each day is a gift my friends.
In gratitude,