Join us during the month of April, and throughout the entire year, in standing strong against kids hunger! We are so excited to partner with Kids Food Basket to provide sack suppers to kids in our communities! Together we can ensure lunch is not the last meal of the day for kids in our area.
The Kids Food Basket Sack Suppers are a well-balanced evening meal distributed at school and taken home. Each Sack Supper provides nutrition that’s critical to the development of healthy bodies and strong minds. Sack Suppers include:
-One serving each of fresh fruit and vegetables
-Meat/cheese sandwich or tortilla roll-up
-100% fruit juice box
-2 healthy snacks (granola bar, string cheese, trail mix, etc)
If you make a donation to Kids Food Basket for $240 ($20 a month), jb and me will give you $20 off a purchase each month for the entire year. Just one dollar donated each weekday, ($20 monthly), allows you to sponsor a local child suffering from hunger for an entire year. Help us to help the little ones in our community so that they can grow into healthy and strong adults!
*Your donation must be made out to Kids Food Basket and must include the yearly donation amount of $240. You will then have a card at jb and me with your information that allows you to receive $20 OFF of your purchase each month. For additional questions please call 616-392-8902 ext. 0.